Development of Easy Asthma Clinic at Wangnoi Hospital


  • มยุรี คุณเลิศ Wangnoi hospital, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province


Easy Asthma Clinic, Hospitalization, Re-admissiom, Re-visit, Wangnoi


     Asthma is a chronic disease that causes an increasing problem to Thailand public health system and has an impact on patients’ quality of life and way of life. Wangnoi Hospital realizes the importance of this matter; therefore launched the Easy Asthma Clinic at Wangnoi Hospital. According to the comparative study of the outcomes of before and after the setup of the Easy Asthma Clinic in the hospital, it is found that the use of inhale corticosteroid by medical doctor has been increased, which conforms to GINA guideline and causes the emergency admission rate decreased from 2.13 visit/person/year (before the setup of the easy asthma clinic) to 1.38 visit/person/year (after the setup of the easy asthma clinic). In addition, hospitalization rate decreased from 0.33 visit/person/year (before the setup of the easy asthma clinic) to 0.22 visit/person/year (after the setup of the easy asthma clinic), the re-visit 48 hr. rate decreased from 16.67 (before the setup of the easy asthma clinic) to 4.93 (after the setup of the easy asthma clinic), and the re-admit 28 day. rate decreased from 0.75 (before the setup of the easy asthma clinic) to 0.35 (after the setup of the easy asthma clinic).
     According to the result of the study, it is also found that the cost of the medical care tends to Decrease by rough estimate. The setup of the Easy Asthma Clinic in the hospital shows that the outcome of the asthma patients’ medical care is worthwhile to be implemented.


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How to Cite

คุณเลิศ ม. Development of Easy Asthma Clinic at Wangnoi Hospital. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];4(3):208-15. Available from:



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