Enhancing the Potential of Social Capital in the Development of Medical Device Management Systems for Long-term Care in the Community.


  • พนาพร เตียถาวรชัย Community Nursing Department, Prasat Hospital, Surin Province
  • สาคร ศรีเครือดำ Community Nursing Department, Prasat Hospital, Surin Province
  • วรนาถ พรหมศวร Boromarajonani College of Nursing Surin, Surin Province


Social capital, Medical Device Management System, Long-term care in community


     This Ethnographic study Aims to study the strengthening of social capital in the development of medical device management. In the dimension 1) The definition of medical device management. 2) The process of enhancing the potential for the development of a medical device management system. And 3) Conditionalities of the management system. Researcher use participatory observation and Indepth-interview techniques. The result found 1) The community provides the definition of medical device management is use “Interchange” It consists of 4 forms. 1. Understand the problem. 2. sympathy for the sick 3. want to help 4. Collaboration 2) The process of enhancing the potential for the development of a medical device management system use “Mind” Speak from the heart-Made with love-impress-And from the data synthesis are 1. think good 2. Say good things 3. Do good things And 3) Conditional elements of the management system use Co-thinking 3 type 1. share thoughts 2. together and 3. Networking


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How to Cite

เตียถาวรชัย พ, ศรีเครือดำ ส, พรหมศวร ว. Enhancing the Potential of Social Capital in the Development of Medical Device Management Systems for Long-term Care in the Community. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 24 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];8(3):393-404. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/167834



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