Development of a Model for Tuberculosis Control Program with Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) in Huaithabthan District, Sisaket Province


  • สุรเดชช ชวะเดช Huaithabthan Hospital, Sisaket Province


Directly-Observed Treatment (DOT), Tuberculosis, HEAL MODEL, Community Participation


     The purposes of this study were to develop a Directly-Observed Treatment (DOT) guide tuberculosis treatment model and to study the patient and the participant satisfaction of the Directly Observed Treatment for Tuberculosis (DOT) in Huaithabthan District, Sisaket Province. The total number of participant was 88 which included 37 tuberculosis patients and 51 caregivers. The data were collected through the tuberculosis patients’ handbook, quizzes and questionnaires. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, relative statistics t-test (dependent), t-test (Independent) and Fisher’s exact test. The result of this study demonstrated that HEAL MODEL would improve DOT including knowledge and understanding of caregivers (p<0.05), knowledge, self-efficacy and treatment plans implementation of tuberculosis patients (p<0.05). HEAL MODEL consisted of four components, H : Health Network Learning, E : Experiential Learning, A: Appreciative Participation Learning and L : Leader Learning. The success rate was 94.60 %. The satisfaction after development was found that the tuberculosis patients had a high level of satisfaction with tuberculosis services (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.05) and the workers were satisfied with tuberculosis services at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.79). The conclusions of this study demonstrated that HEAL MODEL improved primary healthcare system, DOT recognition, DOT understanding and became community culture.


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How to Cite

ชวะเดช ส. Development of a Model for Tuberculosis Control Program with Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) in Huaithabthan District, Sisaket Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 23 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];8(3):339-51. Available from:



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