The Results of Uterine Prolapse Surgery in Elderly Woman with Partial Colpocleisis Procedure and Anterior Posterior Vaginal Repair


  • นพดล อธิรัตน์ปัญญา Department of Medical Services, Banlart Hospital, Petchaburi Province.


uterine prolapse, partial colpocleisis, anterior posterior vaginal repair, elderly women


This prospective study aims to show the results of uterine prolapse surgery with partial
colpocleisis procedure and anterior posterior repair in elderly women from Khaoyoi and Banlart
hospital Petchaburi Province during August 2008 and August 2015. The objective of this study
was to show the underwent prolapse repair, the duration of operation times, the complication
of intraoperation, post operation and the results for correcting uterine prolapse. There were 25
patients whose the age of 70 and over. The average age was 74.6 years (SD = 13.42). The
average operation time was 56.8 minutes (SD = 43.5). There were 24 (96%) successful cases
in this study. There were 2 cases with intraoperative complications from mild hypoglycemia.
There was 1 case recurrence of uterine prolapse and was successfully treated with complete
colpocleisis operation. The results from this preliminary study showed that partial colpocleisis
procedure and anterior posterior repair offers significant advantages in elderly patients in whom
conservative management is not feasible.


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How to Cite

อธิรัตน์ปัญญา น. The Results of Uterine Prolapse Surgery in Elderly Woman with Partial Colpocleisis Procedure and Anterior Posterior Vaginal Repair. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 21 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(3):304-11. Available from: