The Effectiveness of Operation for Food Safety in Sing Buri Province


  • วีรชัย บริบูรณ์ Sing Buri Provincial Public Health office


The effectiveness, The operation for food safety, Foodsafety, Behavior


     This study was a survey research and aimed to study theeffectiveness of operation for food safetyin Sing Buri province. The samples were 400 respondents from the population in the Sing Buri province whom agedmore than 15 years. The tools for data collecting were a questionnaire and interviews which studied during October 2014-June 2015. The data were analyzedby frequency, mean, standard deviation maximum, minimum, t-test, one way ANOVA or F-test and paired comparison with Scheffe method.
     The research findings were as follows:Theeffectiveness of operation for foodsafety in Sing Buri province in the aspect of food safety practices, the aspect of perception of information about hygienic food, the aspect of operational roles on the food safety project of Sing Buri Provincial Public Health office, and the aspect of health status during the last year were allat high levels.The comparisons of means of the effectiveness of operation for food safety in Sing Buri province classified by genderwere not differed while those classified by age, education level, occupations, and monthly household income were significantly different at the level .05.
     This research suggested that Sing Buri Provincial Public Health office should provide information via various media to most people, conduct continuous training for public health personnel, create networks for food safety operations, and co-ordinate with organizations in the food chain, private organizations, volunteers, and people.


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How to Cite

บริบูรณ์ ว. The Effectiveness of Operation for Food Safety in Sing Buri Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];5(2):162-7. Available from:



Research Article