Development Of Health Promoting Model For The Elderly In Community Tron District, Uttaradit Province


  • กรกฤช ลิ้มสมมุติ Department of family medicine and primary care service, Tron Hospital, Uttaradit Province


Health promoting model, Elderly, Uttaradit province


     This participatory action research aimed to develop a health promoting model for the elderly in Ban Kang subdistrict, Tron district, Uttaradit Province. The participant were 892 older people, 20 community leaders,10 family members, 2 officerswho response for elderly care and 5 local governmentofficers. Data collection was done by using personal information form, The Barthelindex of activities of daily living, participatory observation, indepth interview and focus group. Data analysis was doneby using percentage, average, standard deviation, dependent t-test and content analysis.
     The findings found that most of elderly are women (55.60), Hypertension (44.39), Diabetes mellitus (10.53), no exercise (59.97) and insomnia (34.41). Older people were separated into threegroups according to their abilities to support themselves: 1) Can help themselves (59.86), 2) Partly help themselvesand depend on others (38.11), 3) Can not help themselves (2.02). There are four problems in elderly consist of physical health problems due to illness, mental health problems,low incomeand family relationship. Moreover, most of elderly wantto accept and take care from community and place for their activities. There are four components of health promoting model for the elderly as follow: 1) Planning for policy and strategy of health promotion by older people participation 2) Promoting community capacity for health promotion in elderly 3) Health promotion for elderly in the community as what they want 4) Continuous monitoring and evaluation


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How to Cite

ลิ้มสมมุติ ก. Development Of Health Promoting Model For The Elderly In Community Tron District, Uttaradit Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];5(2):153-61. Available from:



Research Article