A Guideline of Development for Prevention and Control of Diabetes and Hypertension in Singburi Province


  • วีรชัย บริบูรณ์ Singburi provincial Public Health Office


     This study was conducted in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method studies. The objective of this study was to develop for prevention and control of diabetes and hypertension in Singburi province. A sample group of 58 administrators and responsible persons for prevention and control of NCDs in Singburi area participated in this study. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample group. The data was collected from report, in-depth interview and focus group. This research was analyzed by using content analysis as well as percentage was employed to analyzed the data.The results of this study were as follows:
1. In the past, the prevention and control of diabetes and hypertension in Singburi province such as triage, treatment, behavior modification, and recovery were vague because the early policy was performed by many organizations. Therefore, operating agency was confused with performance.
2. As the way for prevention and control diabetes and hypertension, Singburi province performed not only systems but also indicators for achieving province and country goal. This study was used VICHAI 7 COLORS model by Dr. Vichai Teintavorn for diabetes and hypertension triage to decrease overcrowding patients from community hospital to sub district health promoting hospital, plan system manager, develop NCDs clinic, and participate from all organizations.
3. The result of the development for prevention and control diabetes and hypertension revealed that policy formulation, criterion, explicit indicators, NCD clinic service for diabetes and hypertension patients had achieved the goal. It was found that 90% of patients have access to health services. This not only decreased overcrowding patients in the hospitals, reduced the expense of the hospitals, shared decision making but also sustained for caring health.


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How to Cite

บริบูรณ์ ว. A Guideline of Development for Prevention and Control of Diabetes and Hypertension in Singburi Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];6(1):60-7. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/156656



Research Article