Tobacco Products Control and Non-Smokes Health Protection: A case study in Bangkok Area, B.E. 2560


  • ศรีศิริ ศิริวนารังสรรค์ Physiatrist
  • พรเทพ ศิริวนารังสรรค์ Chairman of the Committee for Health Bangkok Metropolitan Council


     Tobacco Products Control Act B.E. 2560 was enacted. It aims to reduce smoker, especially the new coming smoker, teenager. In ever year, more than 50,000 die from smoking. It is a quality study using in depth interview, focus group and Delphi technique. Many experts and people concerned are involved in this study. It is found that the under 20 years old is the most common new smoker. Many smokers are breaking the law in non-smoking area. Low enforcement still has not strongly implemented. There are 4 recommendations from the study. They are tobacco controls and non-smokers health protection aspect, protection of the new coming smoker aspect, assisting to stop smoking aspect, and free smoking environment aspect. Office of tobacco control should be setting up to be a body for planning and monitoring. Integrated program among tobacco will accelerate better outcome. The school program for tobacco control with family member involved is the key success factor to protect the teenager. Continuously knowledge and skill training is necessary for health officers and volunteers. Health facilities to treat for stop smoking should be prepared. Proper smoking area in government offices should be setting up. Integrated law enforcement of related laws should be accomplished by municipal police. Tobacco tax law for Bangkok Metropolitan Administration should be proposed and enacted. Tobacco Product Control and non-smoker health protection is a hard job. This is because the tobacco business is a huge profit return. Budget used
for marketing is so high. So the government should play more attention the Tobacco control program for the country.


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How to Cite

ศิริวนารังสรรค์ ศ, ศิริวนารังสรรค์ พ. Tobacco Products Control and Non-Smokes Health Protection: A case study in Bangkok Area, B.E. 2560. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];8(2):173-81. Available from:



Research Article