Active Participation Programs for Adjusting Health Behavior of Patients with Hypertension in Sawangha Hospital, Sawangha District, Ang Thong Province


  • ประกิต ชัยกิจอุราใจ Sawangha hospital, Sawangha District, Ang Thong Province


hypertension, active participation program, behavior


     This quasi-experimental research with experimental and control groups measured results before and after experiments. The objective of this research was to compare; 1) Average scores of good behavior between before and after experiments. 2) Average scores of good behavior after experiments between experimental groups and control groups. 3) Average scores of good behavior in the control groups between before and after experiments. The research was conducted from July to December 2015 to determine the effect of active participation programs for adjusting health behavior of patients with hypertension who received treatment in Sawangha hospital, Sawangha district, Ang Thong province. The patient 30 were selected for the experimental group and 30 were for the control group by simple random sampling. The control groups received usual management of hypertension but the experimental group had additional active participation programs for adjusting health behavior of food consumption, exercise and rest, stress management, and hypertensive treatment. Both samples were interviewed using the questionnaire before and after active participation programs in the experimental group. Also, there were 3 stages of work operation: 1) prepare stages 2) work operation stages 3) evaluation stages. Data analysis was performed by computing frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation were used to describe data. Paired Samples t-test and independent t-test were used to compare between means, with a significant level of 0.05. The results show that after the experimental;
1) The active participation programs, the experimental group had significantly higher scores of good behavior of all issues than before the experimental, at the .01 level.
2) After the active participation programs, the experimental group had significantly higher scores of good behavior of all issues than the control group, at the .01 level except exercise and rest, at the .05 level.
3) The control group received usual management of hypertension; the results show that after the experimental the control group gained the average scores of good behavior of all issues, but was not significantly.
     The study indicated the effect of active participation programs for adjusting health behavior of patients with hypertension. The programs may be useful for these hypertensive persons in the community.


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How to Cite

ชัยกิจอุราใจ ป. Active Participation Programs for Adjusting Health Behavior of Patients with Hypertension in Sawangha Hospital, Sawangha District, Ang Thong Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];6(2):131-9. Available from:



Research Article