Importance of Play on Child Development


  • รมร แย้มประทุม Division of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Burapha University, Chonburi Province


play, child development


     Play is natural to children and important for the development process from early childhood to adulthood in all aspects including physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and creative aspects. Understanding the development of play in relation to other aspects of development will make us appreciate that play is more valuable than entertainment, which cannot be substituted with academic trainings. Adults have a duty to support children’s rights to play and leisure appropriately.



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How to Cite

แย้มประทุม ร. Importance of Play on Child Development. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 11 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];6(3):275-81. Available from:



Review Article