Iodine Disorder Situation in Pregnant Women in Thailand During the Year 2011-2015


  • สมพงษ์ ชัยโอภานนท์ Bureau of senior advisor committee, Department of Health


     Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) is still an important public health problem in Thailand which causes consequent on intellectual disability, and affects people over all age group from fetus in womb until 3 years of age. This cross-sectional descriptive research aimed to study IDD status of pregnant woman in Thailand during 2011-2015. The data was collected from surveillance record of pregnant urinary iodine concentration in Thailand during 2011-2015, of the laboratory office, Bureau of nutrition, Department of Health. The study was performed in May 2017. Statistics were analyzed as percentage. The proportion of pregnant women whose UIC below 150 µg/L had tendency to increase from 36.5% to 53.5%. According to geographic regions: the North, Central, Northeastern and Bangkok had decreasing tendency of pregnant UIC below 150 µg/L, except region of the South had stable tendency and been above 150 µg/L. Almost all of the public health regions (PHR) had increasing tendency of pregnant UIC below 150 µg/L, except PHR-3 and PHR-8 had decreasing tendency of pregnant UIC below 150 µg/L. In conclusion, all involved sectors should set periodically campaign to provide learning about iodine nutrition in pattern of active participation for community, advocate measure of iodine supplementation in all pregnant women, support universal salt iodization included iodized salty condiments and ensuring the household coverage of iodized salt more than 90%.


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How to Cite

ชัยโอภานนท์ ส. Iodine Disorder Situation in Pregnant Women in Thailand During the Year 2011-2015. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];7(2):200-11. Available from:



Research Article