The Effect of Discharge Planning for Modified Radical Mastectomy Patients with Redivac Drain on Self-Care, Complication, and Satisfaction at Female Surgical Ward, Songkhla Hospital


  • พาศนา บุณยะมาน Songkhla Hospital, Songkhla Province


Breast Cancer, Modified Radical Mastectomy, Radivac Drain, Discharge Planning, Self-Care Agency


     This quasi-experimental research aimed to 1) compare mean score of self-care agency before and after implementation of discharge planning 2) investigate the occurrence of complications and 3) determine satisfaction of patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy with redivac drain towards discharge planning in Female Surgical Ward, Songkhla Hospital. Sample were 27 patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy with redivac drain, selected
purposively from Female Surgical Ward, Songkhla hospital. Instruments were self-care agency questionnaire, occurrence of complications recording form, and satisfaction questionnaire. All instruments were tested for content validity. For reliability, Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was tested with self-care agency questionnaire and satisfaction questionnaire, yielding value of .83 and .80, respectively. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard
deviation and the paired t-test. Results revealed that, as follows:
1). Mean score of self-care agency after implementation of discharge planning (=15.92, SD=0.26) was statistically significantly higher than that of before (=7.18, SD=2.76) (p<.001).
2). The percentage of occurrence of complications was 18.52%.
3). Satisfaction of patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy with redivac drain towards discharge planning in Female Surgical Ward, Songkhla Hospital was at a high level ( =3.78, SD=0.33)


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How to Cite

บุณยะมาน พ. The Effect of Discharge Planning for Modified Radical Mastectomy Patients with Redivac Drain on Self-Care, Complication, and Satisfaction at Female Surgical Ward, Songkhla Hospital. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];7(1):95-103. Available from:



Research Article