Energy and Macronutrient Intakes of Healthy Adult during COVID-19 Pandemic: an Online Survey
Energy intake, Macronutrients, COVID-19 pandemic, Healthy adultAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the energy and the amount of macronutrients obtained from the food consumption of healthy adults during the COVID-19 pandemic (May - July 2022), compared with the population reference values from the 4th National Health Examination Survey of Thailand conducted in 2008-2009. This study was conducted online using a cross-sectional survey method. The sample consisted of 246 individuals aged 18 – 59 years, using general information questionnaires and 24-hour food recall interviews online. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-tests (α=0.05). The results showed that there were 112 males, who had an average energy intake of 1,892 ± 430 kcal/day, while the 134 females had an average energy intake of 1,378 ± 368 kcal/day. All groups consumed protein over the Dietary Reference Intake for Thais (DRI). The energy distribution from carbohydrates, proteins, and fat was 45:19:35 for males and 46:18:35 for females. Compared to the population reference values, females aged 20-30 years were found to have a 10.9% increase in energy intake (p<0.05) but did not exceed the DRI. The amount of protein and fat intake increased, including the distribution of energy from protein and fat (p<0.05), while carbohydrate decreased (p<0.05). For males over 30 years old, energy intake increased by 33.9%, exceeding the DRI, along with an increase in the proportion of energy from fat (p<0.05). These data indicate changes in consumption behavior following the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among males over 30 years old. Nutritional health promotion should be implemented in this group to prevent future health impacts.
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