Food Innovation and Healthy Food Products for the Elderly


  • Bussakorn Suttiprapa Program in Home Economics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Kitiya Totong Program in Environmental Management, Faculty of Science and Technology, Dhonburi Rajabhat, University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Supranee Horma Program in Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Wongjun Nunkong Program in Environmental Management, Faculty of Science and Technology, Dhonburi Rajabhat, University, Bangkok, Thailand


Food innovation, Food for healthy elderly, Dysphagia diet


The objectives of this study were to develop food products and innovations for the health of the elderly in the Thonburi district. The sample group aged between 50-80 years was divided into 2 groups: 1) a group of 400 respondents and 2) a group of 50 consumers for the sensory testing in the development process of 8 types of food products. In a group of 400 respondents, data were collected by surveying food consumption behavior using a questionnaire to analyze and develop food products to appropriate the lifestyle and community context. The results found that most of them were Muslims living in Muslim communities. The food eaten regularly uses vegetable and animal oils, including fried, simmered, and stewed methods. The results from data analysis found that 8 types of food products can be developed: (1) Green curry with fish, (2) Fried beef with garlic and pepper, (3) Tamarind chili paste with minced chicken, (4) Shrimp and chicken porridge, (5) Butter cake, (6) Shrimp and chicken dumplings, (7) Grain juice, and (8) Roselle honey and lime juice. Guidelines for improving products to appropriate the needs of the sample groups are based on 3 main issues: (1) taste, (2) texture, and (3) nutritional value. All 8 developed food products meet International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative standards at levels 0-7 compared to Universal Design Food standards at levels 1-4. For the consumer group, 50 consumers accept products ranging from moderately (scores 7.04-7.88). The results of microbial quality analysis were found to be within standard criteria. The results of the chemical quality analysis found that the nutritional value was within the hospital diet standard in the general diet category. All 8 types of food products are alternative products that can be developed and improved to become prototype Thai food products and can be used to produce halal food for the elderly.


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How to Cite

Suttiprapa ฺ., Totong, K., Horma, S., & Nunkong, W. (2023). Food Innovation and Healthy Food Products for the Elderly. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 58(2), 44–59. Retrieved from



Research article