Development of Crackers Partially Substitution of Wheat Flour with Alternative Powders
Cracker, Alternative powder, Partially substitution, Sensory evaluation, Storage timeAbstract
This study aimed to develop alternative crackers by partially replacing wheat flour with three alternative powders: cashew nuts, almonds, and white kidney beans at levels of 20, 25, and 30%. Sensory evaluation was performed by trained panelists using a 9-point hedonic scale, and product acceptance was assessed by 100 individuals using a 5-point hedonic scale. Physical properties and nutrient composition were analyzed using standard procedures, and the shelf life of the products in the packaging was also studied. The results indicated that 30% of the alternative powders substituted for wheat flour in cracker products had the highest sensory scores from trained panelists (an average of 7.40-7.80). Cashew nut crackers received the highest overall acceptance score among individuals (average 4.31). According to the analysis of physical properties, the water activity value (aw) of the crackers averaged 0.36-0.38, which was within the criteria specified by the Thai Community Product Standard. The nutrient composition analysis of crackers per 100 g reported that almond crackers showed the highest energy, fat, and protein contents, whereas the crackers replaced with white bean powder had the highest dietary fiber content, followed by almond, cashew nut, and wheat flour (prototype). Three alternative crackers packed in aluminum foil bags at room temperature can be stored for 45 days with unchanged sensory acceptance scores.
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