Factors predicting medication adherence in school-aged children with asthma in tertiary care hospital

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สุดารัตน์ วันงามวิเศษ
อาภาวรรณ หนูคง
สุดาภรณ์ พยัฆคเรือง


This study aimed to examine factors predicting knowledge of caregivers, parental involvement, knowledge of children themselves and attitude toward inhaled medication incl. medication adherence in school-aged children with asthma. A predictive correlational research design was employed. The sample consisted of 120 pairs of school-aged children aged 8 – 12 years with asthma and their caregivers from allergy clinics in two tertiary care hospitals. The research instruments included Asthma Knowledge of Caregivers Questionnaire, Parental Involvement of Asthma, Management Questionnaire, Asthma Knowledge of Children Questionnaire, Attitude toward Inhaled Medication of Children Questionnaire and Medication Adherence Report Scale for Asthma Questionnaire. Reliability were .71, .91, .70, .72 and .73 respectively. Data were analysed by descriptive statistic, Point biserial, and Binary Logistic Regression Analysis.

             Medication adherence was found in 83.80 % of school-aged children. Attitude toward inhaled medication of children was the only significant predictor of medication adherence (OR = 1.46, 95% CI: 1.18 – 1.79, p < .001). These four factors explained 75 % of variance in medication adherence of school-aged children with asthma (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.75, p < .001).

             Health care personnel should enhance attitude toward inhaled medication to school-aged children to promote their medication adherence.

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How to Cite
วันงามวิเศษ ส., หนูคง อ., & พยัฆคเรือง ส. (2019). Factors predicting medication adherence in school-aged children with asthma in tertiary care hospital. BCNNON Health Science Research Journal, 13(2), 20–29. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHR/article/view/186570
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