Model for the Sustainable development of Quality System and Standards of Practice in Medical and Public Health Laboratories at Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Ta Phraya District Health Service Network, Sa Kaeo Province.


  • กรณมณีธนา ปุณณศิริมั่งมี -


Sustainable, Sub-District Health Promoting Hospital, Quality system development model, Standards of Practice in Medical and Public Health Laboratories


The pandemic of COVID-19 impacts the ongoing evolution of laboratory standards in sub-district health promoting hospitals. Furthermore, a shift has occurred about Tiddao Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital towards standard assessments for primary care units and networks. The research aimed to investigate the sustainability of a preparation model for success in adhering to quality systems and standards within medical and public health laboratories. It also sought to assess the effectiveness of the model in developing quality systems and standards within the sustainable sub-district health promotion hospital health service network in Ta Phraya district, Sa Kaeo province. The application of the research and development process, along with adherence to the Deming's PDSA cycle concept, was implemented by a group of 30 personnel responsible for quality systems and laboratory standards in medicine and public health. The research outcomes for a specific group were assessed by evaluating the knowledge levels of individuals in charge of laboratory standards. An examination of laboratory quality systems and employee satisfaction was conducted both before and after the study, with data collected through questionnaires, interviews, and job satisfaction surveys. Statistical analysis involved percentages, means, standard deviations, and paired t-tests. The study's outcomes demonstrated a substantial increase in the average knowledge scores of individuals responsible for laboratory standards, coupled with significant improvements in the assessment scores for quality systems and laboratory standards (p=0.001). All locations consistently met the standards, and the satisfaction survey among laboratory standard operators indicated a high level of contentment. Thus, the sustained application of this quality system development model remains feasible, serving not only as an ongoing mechanism, but also as a template for crafting additional standards. Moreover, the laboratory quality system maintains its commitment to established standards.


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