Dengue Fever and Climate Change : Health Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment
climate change/ dengue fever/ health vulnerability/ adaptationAbstract
The world’s climate change had an effect on the ecosystem and the living organisms residing in the ecosystem, as well as, human health. Current evidences indicate that the fluctuation of the world’s climate have a direct impact that contributed to the epidemiology of diseases derive from a carrier, especially mosquito-borne diseases. Dengue fever is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes that acts as a disease carrier. It was found that, worldwide, the occurrence of the disease had increased by 30 times for the past 50 years. Therefore, understanding the impact of the change and vulnerability of health and the outbreak of dengue fever are extremely important in planning on coping with the disease outbreak , as well as, enhancing the community’s health adaptation capacity in order to minimize such effect, which requires cooperation from all sectors. This is a big challenge especially for healthcare professionals and public health that lies at risk of climate change.
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