Health Status of The Elderly Caregivers who completed The Elderly Caregivers Training Course


  • กนกพร ไพศาลสุจารีกุล -


ภาวะสุขภาพ, ผู้ดูแลผู้สูงอายุ, คุณภาพชีวิต, การอบรมหลักสูตรผู้ดูแลผู้สูงอายุ


This study was a survey research. The objectives were to study the health status, quality of life, and analyze health status that was at risk for illness and quality of life of elderly caregivers who completed the 420-hours Elderly Caregiver Training Course from Faculty of Nursing Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University. The sample was 41. Data were collected by physical examination and questionnaires, analyzed by descriptive statistics, such as, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Research results: Physical Health Status, it was found that BMI was overweight to grade 2 obesity, waist circumference was overweight, blood pressure was elevated and stage 1 hypertension, pulse was normal (63.42, 65.85, 63.42, 73.17% respectively) and non-congenital disease (75.61%). Mental Health Status, it was found that they were not depressed (95.12%), had little stress (48.78%). Quality of life and overall health were at a good level (56.09%).

Analysis of Physical Health Status which was at risk of illness and quality of life, it was found that they were the emergence of a group of risk factors for abdominal obesity. Mental Health Status, it was found that was at a good level, a little stressed. Quality of life and overall health was good.  It is affecting the care and assistance of the elderly to their fullest potential.

The results of the study could be used as basic for planning to promote health status and quality of life of elderly caregivers. And the results of this study can be further studied in larger samples.        

Keywords:  health status, elderly caregivers, quality of life



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How to Cite

ไพศาลสุจารีกุล ก. (2024). Health Status of The Elderly Caregivers who completed The Elderly Caregivers Training Course. Journal of Public Health and Innovation, 4(1), 99–101. Retrieved from