Anxiety among pregnant women in caesarean section at Health Promotion Center Region 5 Ratchaburi.


  • Chadarat Luang – Araam the 5th region Health Promotion Center Hospital, Ratchaburi


Pregnant women waiting for caesarean section , anxiety level


The objectives of this analytical research were to study the level of anxiety about caesarean section in pregnant women in the 5th region Health Promotion Center Hospital, Ratchaburi, and to compare the anxiety among pregnant women waiting for a caesarean section classified by age, education level, surgery expenses problem, other surgeries (excluding caesarean section), post-surgical patient experiences and wound characteristics from caesarean section. The sample was 112 pregnant women awaiting caesarean section selected by purposive sampling. Data was collected by using personal questionnaires, anxiety assessments with confidence value of 0.934 and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Mann – Whitney U and Kruskal – Wallis Test  The level of anxiety among pregnant women awaiting caesarean section was high (M = 3.12)Comparing the anxiety among pregnant women waiting for a caesarean section classified by age, education level. cost problem Having had other surgeries (excluding caesarean sections) prior to experience with a caesarean section and wound characteristics from caesarean section found that pregnant women waiting for a caesarean section There was a statistically significant difference between the cost-experienced group and the non-expense problem group at the .05 level.  Most of the anxiety issues were moderate, except for sexual anxiety. Post-surgery and recurrent pregnancy after surgery anxiety were at a low level.


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How to Cite

Luang – Araam, C. (2024). Anxiety among pregnant women in caesarean section at Health Promotion Center Region 5 Ratchaburi. Journal of Public Health and Innovation, 4(1), 1–15. Retrieved from