Factors Influencing Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Behaviors Among the Risk Group in SuphanBuri Province, Thailand


  • ณัฐธยาน์ ภิรมย์สิทธิ์ Western University
  • จารีศรี กุลศิริปัญโญ
  • อรุณ นุรักษ์เข
  • กิตติศักดิ์ หลวงพันเทา


Preventive behaviors cardiovascular disease –risk people predisposing factors, enabling factors, Reinforcing factors


This predictive correlational research was aimed to 1) Study the relationship between biosocial, predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors and preventive behaviors among  cardiovascular disease – risk people  and  2) Study factors influencing preventive behaviors  among  cardiovascular disease – risk people in district U Thong Supanburi Thailand. The PRECEDE Model as applied to a group of risk people .The samples were 340 of  cardiovascular disease – risk people by multiple stage random sampling. Research instrument was a questionnaire consisting of 8 parts as follows : 1) Biosocial data  2) Knowledge of cardiovascular disease 3) attitude towards cardiovascular disease  4) Perception of the severity of disease 5) Perceived risk of disease 6) Enabling factors to the behaviors 7) Social support and 8) Health promotion behaviors. Data were analyzed by Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The results indicated that social support and health policy could predicted Cardiovascular disease  preventive behaviors 41.6 percentage (R2=.416).And the highest predictive variables were social support and health policy (b=0.365, 0.153) respectively.

This research has suggested that social support and health policy will practical rerevant to preventive behaviors  among  cardiovascular disease–risk People effectively.


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ภิรมย์สิทธิ์ ณ, กุลศิริปัญโญ จ, นุรักษ์เข อ, หลวงพันเทา ก. Factors Influencing Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Behaviors Among the Risk Group in SuphanBuri Province, Thailand. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [internet]. 2018 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];22(43-44):55-69. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HCUJOURNAL/article/view/161712