Factors Influencing Postoperative Hemorrhage in Open-heart Surgery Patients


  • รัชนี ผิวผ่อง คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ
  • Vanida Durongrittichai
  • Supaporn Kongphrom
  • Nanthaka Suksumit
  • Kanchana Ninwongsanuwat
  • Rossukon Tanomwong
  • Jirayuk Srijianthong
  • Usanee Sriprapakarn
  • Supapan Puangsakul
  • Songphol Namtad
  • Onkanya Khuankaew
  • Wiwat Warinsirikul
  • Malinee Limpuangthip


Postoperative hemorrhage in open-heart surgery, open heart surgery, open heart surgery patients


The objective of this descriptive study was to determine the factors influencing postoperative hemorrhage following open heart surgery in 245 patients who had undergone open heart surgery in a private hospital in 2015-2016. Retrospective study was conducted by collecting medical records of patients who had undergone open heart surgery and were over 18 years of age. The data obtained were analyzed with descriptive statistics, chi-square, Fisher’s exact test and binary logistic regression analysis.

According to the findings, the variables correlated with postoperative hemorrhage in open heart surgery patients included diabetes mellitus disease, left ventricle ejection fraction and the activated clotting time (ACT). There were two factors influencing postoperative hemorrhage following open heart surgery patients including left ventricle ejection fraction (AOR= 12.53, 95%CI = 1.35-116.58, p=0.03) and the activated clotting time postoperative (AOR= 7.17, 95%CI = 1.15-44.71, p=0.04) (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.34).

The research findings suggested that nurse and health care team should check-up and follow-up examination of left ventricle ejection fraction before open heart surgery and the activated clotting time postoperative. Furthermore, guidelines should be formed for monitoring and preventing severe hemorrhaging before and after open heart surgery.


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How to Cite

ผิวผ่อง ร, Durongrittichai V, Kongphrom S, Suksumit N, Ninwongsanuwat K, Tanomwong R, Srijianthong J, Sriprapakarn U, Puangsakul S, Namtad S, Khuankaew O, Warinsirikul W, Limpuangthip M. Factors Influencing Postoperative Hemorrhage in Open-heart Surgery Patients. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [internet]. 2020 Jun. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];24(1):1-9. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HCUJOURNAL/article/view/154867



Research article