Motorcycle Accidents in Thailand : Epidemiology Perspective


  • วัชรพงษ์ เรือนคำ Division of Public Health, School of Health Science, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
  • ณรงค์ศักดิ์ หนูสอน


Motorcycle accidents, epidemiology, prevent and control


Deaths and injuries from motorcycle accidents are major public health problems in Thailand. Understanding motorcycle accidents is complicated because it has many complicated components. Use of epidemiology perspectives to analyze the situation of motorcycle accidents, the distribution of motorcycle accidents (person, time and place), and the cause of motorcycle accidents in epidemiology triad: human (motorcyclist), agent (motorcycle) and environment (road conditions, environment, and law enforcement). Furthermore, this view will allow us to better understand the problem of motorcycle accidents and to apply the knowledge gained to the prevention and control of motorcycle accidents. Moreover, it will solve the problem effectively and solve the actual causes of the motorcycle accident problem.


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How to Cite

เรือนคำ ว, หนูสอน ณ. Motorcycle Accidents in Thailand : Epidemiology Perspective. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];23(1):146-60. Available from:



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