Human Rights


  • Thanaporn Saripong Christian University of Thailand


          Human rights refer to human dignity, rights, freedom and equality of every individual, which are guaranteed and protected by the Constitution of the Kingdom. Human rights are derived from the concepts of natural law and philosophy of natural rights, which evolved topromote and protect universal human rights. The United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human rights on December 10, to show its intent to protect human rights and to use it as the standard for all member countries as guidelines to achieve its purpose. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 consists of 30 articles which are divided into classes. These are: (1) Political or Civil Rights in Articles 1 - 21; and, Economic and Social Rights in Articles 22 - 30.

          Thailand protects human rights and promotes the Universal Declaration of Human Right by (parliamentary) vote and developed mechanism within the country to achieve human rights and to promote it such as, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand in BE 2550, the Office of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand which is an independent organization, and the National Human Rights Policy. On the international cooperation, Thailand agreed to cooperate directly or indirectly internationally with issues regarding human rights. Globalization changes rapidly the universal values on democracy, human rights and cooperation for environmental protection. However, the community rights have great function in Thai society. Therefore, it is essential that Thai people should have knowledge of human rights in order to prepare themselves to adapt to such changes.



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Academic Article