Comparison of the Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Ultrasound Therapy in Shoulder Tendinitis Patients


  • Chadaporn Permpetch Physical therapist, Maharaj Nakhonsrithammaraj Hospital.


Shoulder tendinitis, Physical therapy treatment program, Pain and shoulder disabilities index form


          This quasi-experimental research aimed to compare therapeutic effect of TENS and ultrasound on the pain index and shoulder disabilities in individuals with shoulder tendinitis. The experiment was conducted on 120 patients divided into three groups; control group (standard physical therapy treatment), standard treatment with TENS group and standard treatment with ultrasound group for treatment duration of six weeks. The tools used for experiment included general characteristics questionnaires, pain index and shoulder disabilities evaluation form as well as physical therapy treatment program. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics t-test and F-test

          The result showed that pain and shoulder disabilities index significantly decreased after treatment in the three groups (p<0.05). In addition there was a significant difference between the three group (p<0.05). The standard treatment with TENS had pain and shoulder disabilities index a significant difference between standard treatment and standard treatment with ultrasound. In conclusion, the standard treatment with TENS proved to be the most effective among the three groups. This study can be used as a guideline for physical therapists for the future treatment.


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