Supportive Care Needs of Family Caregiver


  • Sakul Changmai


            Caring is a process that promotes individuals to live in a normal society. Giving attention and care to those who need to rely on others are caring. Caregivers provide care and support in what is essential and beneficial for others. They are individuals who help those unable persons to fully help themselves and being in a state of   dependency. Key issues related to the care provided by caregivers who are family members or in this article called "family caregivers" are as follows: 1) the majority of family caregivers are women in middle age and becoming into old age; 2) stress and coping of caregivers iscrucially involving patient care or dependent care, 3) the burden of caring for patients and quality of life of family caregivers are related inversely to each other; and 4) caregivers' needs are importantTherefore, supportive care needs framework in caring for caregivers of chronically ill patients should contain in physical needs, emotional needs,      informational needs, psychosocial needs, spiritual needs, and practical needs. Nurses must give priority to the needs of family caregivers of patients who rely on them such as the elderly in order that those caregivers will have taken their own lives along with patient care, also known as "Living (with) care" instead of only "Giving care".


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