The Early Childhood Development Test : A Tool for Early Childhood Health Promotion Nursing


  • Prapaporn Saetiew Faculty of Nursing, Christian Universitry of Thailand


Early Child Development Test, early childhood, Health Promotion Nursing


        Early Childhood Development Test is an instrument assessment of Developmental psychology used for understanding of child development, with the ability to measure individual aspects of development. Health promotion is a reflection of the role of nurses. Nurses should recognize the value of developing development Test and basic guidelines to evaluate correctly. Since the evaluation, development has been adapted to suit children that often develop for Thailand. Nurses have the opportunity to use a different type of development Test was developed. Analysis of the role of nurses as an innovative leadership development, early childhood development Test that is DDST to Thailand. The development screening test was  developed DDST to be DENVER II scholars Thailand has led the development of early childhood DENVER II used in Thailand to develop and implement a development  assessment for children by Thailand's Ministry of Public Health. Early Childhood Development and, Health Assessment 49 (Anamai 49). Early childhood health and development assessment 55 (Anamai 55). Until 2558. The Ministry of Health has prepared a guide to evaluate and promote the development of children at risk which are the following. Developmental Assessment for Intervention Manual (DAIM) and Developmental Surveillance and Promotion Manual (DSPM). It is used to develop screening assessment with recommendations to encourage and promote development. The way for ward for diagnosis. So the manual is instrument for nurse. Right to health care since the child was born that is health promotion nursing must use Development Test. It has been developed continuously.


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