Health security of ethnic children: A Challenge to nursing roles
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The concept of health security is to encourage people to maintain both physical and mental health. This includes being safe from threats and non-communicable diseases, especially as it relates to ethnic children—a vulnerable population with lower health security than other population segments. Nursing professionals are therefore faced with the great challenge of establishing health security for ethnic children by providing care, education, and training in the context of differences in beliefs, language, and culture. However, the process of promoting health security cannot be achieved by a single individual or organization. There is a need for nurses to cooperate with other organizations or communities to ensure continuity and sustainability. This article also highlights the role of nurses as researchers who potentially generate new knowledge, develop innovations, and improve the quality of care within socioeconomic and national policy contexts. Although some specific roles have found in other countries, the hope is that this article will be the starting point of a dialogue among nurses, geared toward establishing health security for ethnic children, the future of the country.
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