A confirmatory factor analysis on the problem base learning evaluation form : Rubric scoring
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Purpose: To analyze a confirmatory factor analysis on the problem base learning evaluation form.
Design: Retrospective quantitative study
Method: The data used in this study came from the third year of nursing students' problem based learning assessment form. In the academic year 2016. This study have been approved by Srinakharinwirot University ethics committee which was approval a letter of exemption form on April, 04 2018, Ethical certificate number: SWUEC/X-338/2560. The analysis uses a confirmatory factor analysis.
Findings: The study finds 4 factors of problem base learning evaluation that consists of learning process, behavioral, attitude and group process, In which explains variation about 60.75. In addition, the collecting files and the evidence based learning form have 3 factors that consist of content, planning and conceptual, In which explains variation about 64.30.
Conclusion: This finding can be used to establish the rubric scoring for a course and an appropriate learner and can use for further relevant research.
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