

  • อุบลวรรณา เรือนทองดี งานส่งเสริมสุขภาพ โรงพยาบาลบางปลาม้า จังหวัดสุพรรณบุรี ประเทศไทย


แผนที่โรค, ประสิทธิผลการสร้างเสริมสุขภาพ, ชุมชนการเยี่ยมบ้าน


1. To develop a map that shows the prevalence of common chronic non-communicable
disease of the community.
2. To promote the community awareness of their common chronic non-community
3. To strengthen the community through the promotion of health.
Methods The study setting was at Khok-KramSubdistrict, Bang Pla Ma District, Suphanburi
Province using a period of 19 months from February 2013 - September 2014. The study design
was divided into two phases. The first phase was the development and evaluation of “Disease
Map” at a period of 10 months. We trained volunteers from 15 communities to build their
own community map (1.5x2.0 meter). Four common chronic non-communicable diseases were
filled in the corresponding residential homes using colors. The yellow, blue, red, and purple
color represented as the diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and disabled respectively. It
was called “Disease Map”. The maps were deployed in 15 communities and evaluated at
the ten-month period. The second phase, by using the concept of Health Belief Model and
the community involvement, the “Disease Map” was installed in a temple for advertising and
demonstration to publics. The health education and disease prevention were also provided.
Then, the response and participation of the community were tracked.
Results Phase 1 - The Disease Map of 15 communities demonstrated the prevalence of the
common non-communicable diseases clearly visible. After three months of installation, the
coloration of the Disease Map was fated which was not attractive for community residency
anymore neither for the nurse who was unable to use the Disease Map as a guide tool to
relocate the house for home visit. Therefore, only 72 percent of patients was visited at home.
So, the new portable Disease Map was created using the data information, new technology
and google map to adjust the mapping for more accurate details then downloaded into smart
phone which was more convenient and more applicable for home visit.
Phase 2 – The disease map showed the prevalence of the common chronic non-communicable
diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and disable. After displaying the Disease

Map, the community developed more sense of awareness. There were more cooperation and
more contribution between community and local authorities, resulting in organizing traditional
dance for all age groups to promote their own health. Among 40 participants who participated
in the traditional dance regularly, their blood pressure, weight and waist circumferences were
decreased significantly. When municipalities recognized the importance of their community
health, therefore budgets were allocated to support traditional dancing and baslope dancing
activities for the following year.
Conclusions The Disease Map is the good tool for presenting the prevalence of chronic noncommunicable
diseases of the community. It creates an awareness of community health.
Traditional dancing is one of the forms to promote community health. A new portable Disease
Map also can be a useful tool for home visit.


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