การพัฒนามาตรฐานการดูแลสุขภาพผู้สูง อายุในศูนย์การให้บริการแบบพักค้าง

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ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ นายแพทย์พิสิษฐ์ พิริยาพรรณ


This research aims to develop standards of aging health care in nursing home. The research
conducted with participatory action research by using Mason’s standardize techniques and
procedures. 1) identifying the problem and the need to care for the elderly in nursing home
2) developing standards of aging health care by using the information from providers and the
elderly who was the customer of nursing home service and including to review literature of
various standards of aging health care 3) brainstorming by a workshop to draft the standard
4) asking the opinion of the elderly about the appropriateness and feasibility of the standard by
using questionnaire 5) analyze and improve the standard of aging health care in nursing home
in the Eastern region. The study was done during October 2555 to September 2556. The 74
population were the elderly and providers in three of aging care centers in the Eastern region
of Thailand namely; 2 places in Chonburi and 1 place in Chuntaburi (elderly 41 persons and
providers 33 persons). The samples were selected by using purposive selection and simple
random sampling. A sample of 53 people is a provider and 26 is an older. This study found
that the standards of ageing health care consists of five elements 10 standards: 1) Effective
management, 2) Quality of health care service, 3) The rights and protections of the elderly 4)
Good safety and Environment, and 5) the internal process. The appropriateness of this standard
was in the most agree level (X = 4.51, SD = .64). The standard of internal process (X = 4.60,
SD = .80) and the standard of good safety and environment (X = 4.55, SD = .68) were in the
highest level.

Article Details



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