The Effects of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Counseling on Anti-retroviral Adherence of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)

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Juthamas Haenjohn
Puangthong Inchi


HIV/AIDS has become a lifelong treatment with the advancement of anti-retrovirus therapy
(ART). The purpose of this study was to study the effect of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
counseling program on PLWHA who were receiving ART. The sample consisted of 64 PLWHA who
were receiving ART for at least one year, whose physician had diagnosed them as having poor
ART adherence and receiving a score of ≤ 90% on Wantana’s self-report adherence evaluation
sheet 2004. The group was divided into two groups of 32 people by a process of simple random
sampling. The experimental group received general advice and the NLP counseling program,
while the control group received the general advice from the servicing clinic. The research design
was a pretest-posttest experimental group design, including follow-up testing after 2 months.
The data were statistically analyzed by utilizing a repeated measures analysis of variance. The
results revealed that the interaction between the methods and the duration of the experiment
was found to be significant (p < .01). The PLWHA who received the NLP counseling demonstrated
significantly higher ART adherence than the control group in both the posttest and follow-up
phases (p < .01). The PLWHA in the experimental group had significantly higher adherence in the
posttest and follow-up phases than the pretest phase (p < .01). Thereafter the NLP counseling
could be used for the health service clinic which saved time and effectiveness, are needed.

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How to Cite
Haenjohn J, Inchi P. The Effects of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Counseling on Anti-retroviral Adherence of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). ฺBu J Med [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 19 เมษายน 2018 [อ้างถึง 7 มีนาคม 2025];2(1):15-20. available at:


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