participatory learning, primary school student, preventive behaviours of myopia, visual examination skillsAbstract
Myopia is a major health problem among school-age children. This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the participatory learning programme on knowledge, attitudes, preventive behaviours, and visual examination skills. The sample comprised 64 fifth-grade students from primary schools in the Bangkok metropolitan district, obtained via purposive sampling to form an experimental group (n = 32) and a comparison group (n = 32). The programme was created by the researcher and consisted of video clips, group discussions, game-based learning, case-based learning, and visual examination skills training. The research instruments used to collect the data were assessment forms about knowledge of myopia, attitudes towards myopia, preventive behaviours of myopia, and visual examination skills before the intervention, after the intervention, and at the follow-up. The reliability scores were .78, .71, .73, and 1.00, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA.
The results revealed that after the intervention was done, the mean scores for the knowledge, attitudes, preventive behaviours, and visual examination skills were significantly higher than before the intervention and those in the comparison group (p < .05). The experimental group had statistically significant different average scores of knowledges, attitudes towards myopia, preventive behaviours of myopia, and visual examination skills in each period (p < .05), which increased to the greatest value in the post-experimental period and slightly decreased in the follow-up period.
The teachers and healthcare providers were able to apply this intervention as a student development programme to create student leaders in eye healthcare for school-aged children in the future.
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