Factors Predicting Health Promotion Behaviors among Adolescent Mothers


  • Priabgeaw Faramee Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Punpilai Sriarporn Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Bungorn Supavititpatana Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Adolescent mothers, Health promotion behaviors, Perceived health status, Perceived self-efficacy


This predictive correlational research aimed to explore factors predicting health promotion behaviors among adolescent mothers. The participants were 120 adolescent mothers who attended Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital, Chiang Mai Health Promotion Center Region 1 Hospital, Lamphun Hospital, and Lampang Hospital. The research instruments included the personal information questionnaire, the perceived health status questionnaire with reliability of .80, the perceived self-efficacy questionnaire with reliability of .90, the interpersonal influence questionnaire with reliability of .91, and the health promotion behaviors among adolescent mother questionnaire with reliability of .84. Data were collected from June, 2019 to February, 2020. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The research results revealed that perceived health status and perceived self-efficacy were statistically significantly predicted health promotion behaviors among adolescent mothers at 70.10% (R2 = .701, p < .001). The most predicting factor was perceived self-efficacy (Beta = .776, p < .001) followed by perceived health status (Beta = .132, p < .05).

This research suggests that nurses should enhance perceived health status and perceived self-efficacy among adolescent mothers in order to raise their health promotion behaviors.


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How to Cite

Faramee, P., Sriarporn, P., & Supavititpatana, B. (2022). Factors Predicting Health Promotion Behaviors among Adolescent Mothers. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 33(2), 146–158. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnc/article/view/258837



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)