Effects of a Hearing Protection Training with Ear Fit Test Feedback on Hearing Protection Use among Workers in Auto Part Manufacturing Industry
Key Words: Feedback / Personal Attenuation Rating / Ear Fit Test / Hearing conservation program / Fitting instructionsAbstract
This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effects of the program that combines training on hearing protection and feedback from ear fit tests on individuals’ behavior in using hearing protection. A total of 104 workers employed in the auto part manufacturing industry in Chon-buri province, who are regularly exposed to noise levels of 85 decibels or above, were recruited in this study. They were then separated into two groups: the intervention group (n=52) and the control group (n=52). The intervention group received the training program that consisted of educational session on the hazards of noise and strategies for preventing occupational hearing loss. The program also included interactive discussions and practical demonstrations. Additionally, individual feedback regarding the results of the ear fit test was given. The control group received standard training according to the hearing conservation program in accordance with the company policies. Questionnaires and an ear-fit-test machine were utilized to gather data during the pre-test and 4 weeks after the intervention. Data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics; Paired t-test, Independent-sample t-test, Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test.
The results revealed that after the implementation of the program, the intervention group had significantly increase in mean scores for the utilization of hearing protective Devices (HPDs) and the Personal Attenuation Rating – PAR (p <.05) compared to their scores prior to the program, as well as higher than the scores of the control group. Findings suggest that the program which combined training on hearing protection and feedback from ear fit tests, was effective in enhancing the usage of hearing protection devices and improving PAR score. Occupational health nurse or those who responsible for a hearing conservation program can utilize this training for other workers who are exposed to comparable high levels of noise.
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