ปัจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธ์กับพฤติกรรมป้องกันการหกล้มของผู้สูงอายุ ในศูนย์พัฒนาการจัดสวัสดิการสังคมผู้สูงอายุ




The cross-sectional research aimed to investigate factors related to fall prevention behavior among older adults. The participants consisted of 288 older adults who were living in a social welfare development center for older persons, which they were selected by using a multi-staged random sampling, The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage, Chi-square, Spearman’s correlation coefficient, and multiple logistic regression analysis. 

Considering the relationship between predisposing factors, enabling factors, and reinforcing factors and fall prevention behavior under the PRECEDE- PROCEED model, it was found that the predisposing factors of health literacy regarding fall prevention was positively related to fall prevention behavior among older adults with statistical significance (rs= 0.378, p-value < 0.001). When keeping other factors constant, it could be seen that changing 1 unit of the score of health literacy regarding fall prevention behavior could cause older adults to be 1.11 times more likely to have more appropriate fall prevention behavior (95%CI = 1.08-1.15). In addition, the findings showed that the enabling factors of fall prevention policy at the center and accessibility to resources at the center were positively related to fall prevention behavior of older adults with statistical significance (rs= 0.184, p-value < 0.05). When keeping other factors constant, changing 1 unit of the scores of enabling factors could cause older adults to become 1.51 times more likely to develop appropriate fall prevention behavior (95%CI = 1.02-2.24).


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How to Cite

TADSREEPEERADOL ์. (2023). ปัจจัยที่มีความสัมพันธ์กับพฤติกรรมป้องกันการหกล้มของผู้สูงอายุ ในศูนย์พัฒนาการจัดสวัสดิการสังคมผู้สูงอายุ. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 37(1), 52–67. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phn/article/view/260107



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