Effects of Self Management Support Program on Self Management Behavior and Blood Pressure among the Older Adults with Uncontrolled Hypertension
Older Adult, Uncontrolled Hypertension, Self-Management Behavior, Self-Management Support ProgramAbstract
This quasi-experimental research with 2 group pre-post test design aimed to examine effect of a self-management support program among older adults with uncontrolled hypertension, Older adults registered at a health promoting hospital in Samutprakan Province were assigned into an experimental group (n=27), and a comparison group (n=29). The experimental group received a 6-week self management support program, including (1) self-motivation for self management; (2) skill training; (3) self-monitoring of blood pressure; (4) home visit by village health volunteer; (5) home visit by nurse and multi-disciplinary team; and (6) a telephone consultation, whereas a comparison group received a usual care .Data were collected by the researcher using a questionnaire and blood pressure record before and after the intervention. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test และ Independent t-test
After intervention, the intervention group had mean scores for self-management behaviors significantly higher than before the intervention and higher than the comparison group. The intervention group also had systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure significantly lower than that before the experiment and those from the comparison group (p<0.001).Therefore, community nurse practitioner should implement self-management support programs to adjust behavior and control blood pressure of elderly patients.
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