Healthy Kids Healthy Food


  • Napaphen Jantacumma Faculty of Nursing, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Arpaporn Powwattana Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


Nutritional status, The royal initiative concept, Healthy Kids Healthy Food Project


The child development promotion in physical, mental and intellectual must begin from developing food and nutrition by health literacy according to the approach of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. This approach starts from home, school, and community through the sustainable integration in developing strategies of 8 components which consist of 1) agriculture in school 2) student cooperative 3) School lunch 4) nutrition monitoring 5) health behavior 6) environmental health development 7) health service in school and 8) study in agricultural, nutrition and sanitation education. The first year of the “Healthy Kids, Healthy Food” project is by creating awareness and distribution knowledge in schools around the country. The second year is to apply knowledge of the children food, nutrition and health development model in Thai bright and healthy school. The third year is to develop and empower the sustainable development of “Healthy Kids, Healthy Food” project for health literacy in nutrition.


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How to Cite

Jantacumma, N., & Powwattana, A. (2019). Healthy Kids Healthy Food. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 33(1), 171–184. Retrieved from



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