Prevalence and Factors Associate with Anemia Among Pregnant Women Receiving Antenatal Care at Bangplee Hospital
Pregnant women, Prevalence, Anemia, FactorAbstract
Anemia in pregnancy is one of the public health problems in Thailand. Anemia may be associated with increased risk adverse pregnancy outcome. This study aimed to investigate prevalence and factors associate with anemia among pregnant women receiving antenatal care and delivered at Bagheli hospital. This study was conducted in 357 women. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Chi-square’s test, Crammer’s contingency coefficient for calculating the prevalence and testing the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and associated factors. A significance level of less than 0.05 was adopted.
Results revealed the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia among the first blood concentration test was 107 cases (30%) were found to be anemic and 108 cases (30.3%) had anemia on blood concentration testing at a gestational age of more than 32 weeks. Thus, it was found that 33 pregnant women had anemia when giving birth (9.2%). Factors affecting anemia include financial status, gestational age at first prenatal care, BMI before pregnancy and the increase in body weight throughout pregnancy in pregnant women who give birth. It is associated with low to moderate levels of anemia. Only 1.1 percent of pregnant women with prenatal anemia newborn weight less than 2,500 grams but absent postpartum hemorrhage.
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