Results of Using the Relax Touch Innovation to Distract Pain During the Active Phase of Labor in First-Time Births
Relax touch innovation, Pain Distraction, Active phaseAbstract
A quasi-experimental research study aimed to examine the outcomes of using the Relax Touch innovation to divert pain during the active phase of labor among first-time mothers aged 37–42 weeks of gestation. The study included 80 participants, divided into a control group of 40 participants and an experimental group of 40 participants. The sample was selected using random sampling based on the concept of Taro Yamane with a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of ±5%. The research instrument was the Relax Touch innovation, while data collection tools included personal information forms and an observation form for pain-coping behaviors in five dimensions. The quality of the instrument was validated with a CVI score of 0.8. The Relax Touch innovation was tested on 10 first-time mothers, with 90% of them rating it as appropriate. Data analysis involved frequency distribution, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The pain-coping behaviors of first-time mothers during the first stage of labor were observed in five dimensions. Statistical comparisons between the group using the Relax Touch innovation and the group receiving standard nursing care were conducted using Chi-square tests for behavioral observation and independent t-tests for independent group analysis.
The results showed that: The results of using the Relax Touch innovation for pain distraction during the active phase of labor showed that the experimental group of first-time mothers demonstrated significantly better pain-coping behaviors compared to the control group, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level.
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