Effect of Implementing Clinical Nursing Practices to Prevent Endotracheal Tube Extubation in Medical Intensive Care Units, Chom Thong Hospital
Clinical nursing practices, Endotracheal tube extubation, Intensive care unitsAbstract
This quasi-experimental study aimed to compare the average scores of knowledge and practice guidelines in preventing endotracheal tube extubation before and after implementing nursing practice guidelines. The sample consisted of 13 professional nurses working in the intensive care unit at Chomthong Hospital. The tool used in the research was the nursing guidelines to prevent endotracheal tube extubation in the intensive care unit at Chomthong Hospital from January to March 2024. Data were collected using a knowledge test and an observation record. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, specifically a paired t-test, were used to analyze the average knowledge and practice scores of nurses in preventing endotracheal tube extubation before and after the guideline implementation. The results showed that after the intervention, the experimental group had significantly higher average knowledge scores (S.D. = 5.61, 8.0, respectively) and practical scores in preventing endotracheal tube extubation (S.D. = 28.07, 37.15, respectively) compared to before the intervention, with statistical significance (p < 0.001).
The study concludes that the nursing practice guidelines for preventing endotracheal tube extubation enhance both the knowledge and practical skills of nurses. These guidelines can be applied to the training of new nurses or in other units with similar patient care needs.
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