Nursing Interventions in Reducing the Severity of Auditory Hallucinations in Psychiatric Patients


  • Suwanna Chiangkuntod Siam University-
  • Puttawan Choocherd


auditory hallucinations, psychiatric patients, nursing interventions, nursing


Auditory hallucinations are the most common symptom in psychiatric patients, especially schizophrenia, other types of psychosis, and major depressive disorder. In addition, auditory hallucinations are also found in people with psychotic symptoms resulting from the use of substance drugs, both during the intoxication and withdrawal stages and in elderly people with dementia. It causes great distress to the patient and is also a key factor in the suicide of psychiatric patients, as well as a high risk of violence and a negative impact on the patient's overall quality of life. The most effective therapy for controlling auditory hallucinations is antipsychotic therapy, while psychosocial therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, behavior therapy, mindfulness therapy, and developing coping skills, will help patients to accept and adapt to the sounds of auditory hallucinations and reduce the patient's suffering. Nursing therapy focuses on holistic therapy, intending to allow patients to adapt, have fewer hallucinations, have their physical needs properly met, encourage patients to stop listening to noises, and promote Participation in positive activities, medication administration, development of thinking and social skills, and continued care at home with the patient's family. As a result, patients can self-manage and have a better quality of life.

The purpose of this article is to review knowledge about auditory hallucinations and effective nursing treatment guidelines to help reduce the severity of auditory hallucinations for psychiatric nurses and general nurses, which can be applied in taking care of patients both in the clinic and in Continuing care at home and in the community.


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How to Cite

Chiangkuntod, S., & Choocherd, P. (2024). Nursing Interventions in Reducing the Severity of Auditory Hallucinations in Psychiatric Patients. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 25(48), 95–106. Retrieved from



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