The Effectiveness of Creative Activities Boosting Narcotics Immunity on Narcotics Immunization of Lower Secondary Students at a school in Chiang Mai Province


  • Rungrudee Wongchum McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • Kanyapat Chaeye
  • On-Anong Thammajinda


creative activities, immunization, secondary students


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research was to investigate the effectiveness of creative narcotics immune boosting activities on narcotics immunization of lower secondary students in Chiang Mai province. The participants consisted of 21 lower secondary students at a school in Chiang Mai. The research tools consisted of creative activities to enhance narcotics and substance abuse immunization and narcotics and substance abuse immunization assessment form. Research tools were examined for content validity by 3 experts with a CVI of 1.00 and .80 and reliability was .70. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-test.

The results showed that after receiving creative activities, during the follow-up period of 1 month, and 3 months, the mean scores of narcotics and substance abuse levels were higher than before receiving creative activities (Mean=154.90 S.D.=19.37, Mean=147.10 S.D.=22.91, Mean=142.70 S.D.=26.74, Mean=147.00 S.D.=17.37, respectively). After comparing the mean score of immediately after receiving creative activities and the 3-month follow-up period, there was significantly different at the .05 level. It showed that the mean score of the 3-month follow-up period was lower than the mean score of immediately after receiving creative activities.

Therefore, creative activities enhance narcotics and substance abuse immunization. The activities should be integrated into the White School project for drug-free and adapted to suit students at different levels. Also, regular review of content and adjustment of students’ attitudes on drugs to ensure the persistence of knowledge and understanding of narcotics and substance abuse immunization.


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How to Cite

Wongchum, R., Chaeye, K. ., & Thammajinda, O.-A. . (2024). The Effectiveness of Creative Activities Boosting Narcotics Immunity on Narcotics Immunization of Lower Secondary Students at a school in Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 25(48), 80–94. Retrieved from



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