Results of using innovative new era minded to hearts mothers New normal, Delivery Room, Samphran Hospital


  • Sukrita Takaree -
  • Orawan Pungprasob


Preterm labour pain, Innovative new era minded to hearts mothers New normal


The Action Research model was applied to study the results of using innovative new era minded to hearts mothers New normal. Data from a sample group of 30 people suffering from preterm labour pain at 24-36 weeks of gestation received treatment at Samphran Hospital from December 22, 2023 - February 2024, 2 research cycles. The research tools are innovative new era minded to hearts mothers New normal, Delivery Room, Samphran Hospital. For easy and convenient access to the service, and there is a link to the LINE care group for pregnant women with premature labor pains. The tools used to collect data include: Personal information questionnaire includes age, number of pregnancy, gestational age, BMI, education level, occupation, and nationality. Satisfaction measure 1) application aspect 2) advice staff aspect, total of 6 items 3) measurement Knowledge and understanding of the using innovative new era minded to hearts mothers New normal 3 questions. Answers are on a 5-level scale. Statistical data analysis using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation and dependent t-test statistics.

             The results showed that: The research found that after using innovative new era minded to hearts mothers New normal. They are satisfied, have knowledge and understanding with a statistical significance level of 0.05. Did not find any re-admission in case preterm labour pain in the delivery room.


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How to Cite

Takaree, S., & Pungprasob, O. . (2024). Results of using innovative new era minded to hearts mothers New normal, Delivery Room, Samphran Hospital. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 25(48), 69–79. Retrieved from



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