Guidelines to Rehabilitation of Drugs Addict through Family Involvement in Mueng Angthong, Angthong Province


  • Wutthichai Sitthichok Angthong Provincial Public Health Office
  • Napadsapon Sripopha Hua Phai of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital
  • Sanikan Seemanee Faculty of Nursing, Siam University


Rehabilitation, Drugs addiction, Family involvement


Guidelines to rehabilitation of drugs addict through family involvement in Mueng Angthong, Angthong Province. This study was Research and Development (R&D). The objectives of this research were to 1) examine the situation of the rehabilitation of drugs addict through family involvement in Mueng Angthong, Angthong Province 2) examine the family factor affected the rehabilitation of drugs addict involvement in Mueng Angthong, Angthong Province and 3) propose guidelines to rehabilitation of drugs addict through family involvement in Mueng Angthong, Angthong Province.The sample for quantitative research were: 754 drugs addict who received rehabilitation, 754 drugs addict’s family who received rehabilitation, rehabilitation staffs in 14 sub-districts was selected using simple random sampling by calculating the sample size (Krejcie & Morgan) at a confidence level of 3.841%, resulting in a sample size of 255 people. The key informants for qualitative research who has knowledge and understanding of the rehabilitation of drug addicts were: 1) 7 people were selected using purposive sampling from Hua Phai Subdistrict, Mueang Angthong District, Angthong Province for in-dept Interview. 2) 7 experts were selected using purposive sampling from knowledgeable and understanding of rehabilitation expert for focus group discussions and 3) 9 experts were selected using purposive sampling for confirm the draft Guidelines to rehabilitation of drugs addict through family involvement in Mueng Angthong, Angthong Province for connoisseurship.The instruments used were questionnaire, semi-Structured Interview, and connoisseurship. Quantitative data was analyzed using Frequency, Percentage, mean, and standard deviation. A difference between the current conditions and the desirable conditions using Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI modified) Quantitative data was analyzed using content Analysis.

The results findings were as follow; 1) The current condition of the rehabilitation of drugs addict through family involvement found that 1.1) the understanding the behavior of drugs addict: Drug addict want their family to showed them love, care, and attention. 1.2) Family relationships: The family counseling with drugs addict about the causes of addiction. 1.3) Participation in the rehabilitation process: The family participates in therapeutic activities with staff 1.4) Supporting drugs addict in reintegrating into society, community, and environment: The family certifies the behavior of the drugs addict to society and the community. 2)The family factor affected the rehabilitation of drugs addict involvement found that the supporting drugs addict in reintegrating into society, community, and environment. There is a difference between the current conditions and the desirable conditions (Gap = 0.32). The family relationships with drugs addict and participation in the rehabilitation process. There is a difference between the current conditions and the desirable conditions (Gap = 0.31) and understanding the behavior of drugs addict. There is a difference between the current conditions and the desirable conditions (Gap = 0.29) respectively. 3) Guidelines to rehabilitation of drugs addict through family involvement found that 3.1) the understanding the behavior of drugs addict consists of 5 approaches were understanding, opportunities, knowledge about drugs, love and warmth, and a drug-addicted brain. 3.2) family relationships consist of 6 approaches were time, harmony, encouragement, caring, continuity, and family therapy. 3.3) participation in the rehabilitation process consists of 5 approaches were the main factors of drug abstinence. duration of rehabilitation process, Participation in whole of rehabilitation process, follow-up, and be patient. 3.3) Supporting drugs addict in reintegrating into society, community, and environment consists of 6 approaches were exercise, activities involve in society, friends and risky drugs addict places, useful leisure, and not ashamed that drugs addict in family.


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How to Cite

Sitthichok, W., Sripopha , N. ., & Seemanee , S. . (2023). Guidelines to Rehabilitation of Drugs Addict through Family Involvement in Mueng Angthong, Angthong Province: ื. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 24(47), 84–99. Retrieved from



research article