The Effect of Blended Learning Program of Principles and Nursing Techniques for Promoting Readiness on Knowledge, Principle Practice Skills and Nursing Techniques of Student Nurses


  • Korawan Pomthong Boromarajonani College of Nursing Surin
  • Thidarat Kanungpiarn Boromarajonani College of Nursing Surin
  • Oranute Pradubthong Boromarajonani College of Nursing Surin
  • Sukhumal Sanpaung Boromarajonani College of Nursing Surin


the blended learning program, principle practice skills and nursing techniques of student nurses, knowledge, nursing skill


This quasi experimental study (one group pre test - post test group  design) aims to study the effect of blended learning program of principles and nursing techniques for promoting readiness on knowledge, principle practice skills and nursing techniques of student nurses. A sample of 103 second-year nursing students who enrolled in the academic year 2022 and attended nursing practicum was purposively selected from Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Surin. The instruments were divided into two parts: 1) the blended learning program for determining readiness 2) the 15-item questionnaires focusing on knowledge of the principles and techniques in nursing; and 3) the 8 skill of the principles and techniques in nursing practice assessment. Three experts evaluated the content validity index. (IOC 1) The KR-20 of  knowledge of the principles and techniques in nursing questionnaire was = 0.82 and  the Cronbach’s alpha of 8 skill of the principles and techniques in nursing practice assessment 0.80, respectively. The data was analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test. Results showed that after attending the blended learning program, the nursing students had statistical significantly higher knowledge than before using program (p < .001). The most of skill scores of the preparation of principles and techniques in nursing were of  90 – 94 (53.44%). The suggestion, the blended learning program can be apply for promoting knowledge and nursing skill in the others nursing subjects.

Author Biography

Thidarat Kanungpiarn , Boromarajonani College of Nursing Surin



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How to Cite

Pomthong, K., Thidarat Kanungpiarn, Oranute Pradubthong, & Sukhumal Sanpaung. (2023). The Effect of Blended Learning Program of Principles and Nursing Techniques for Promoting Readiness on Knowledge, Principle Practice Skills and Nursing Techniques of Student Nurses. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 24(47), 20–30. Retrieved from



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