Knowledge, Self-Care Behavior and Psychological Effects of Pregnant Women in the Pandemic of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
COVID-19, Self-care behavior, Pregnant womenAbstract
Objective: To study knowledge level, self-care behavior and the relationship between knowledge, self-care behavior and psychological effects of COVID-19 in pregnant women
Method: A group of 240 pregnant women with gestational age 12-36 weeks were selected from simple random sampling technique. They had antenatal care with healthcare service centers in Bangkok during January to December 2022. A questionnaire was used for data collection. Descriptive analysis of data using frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation (SD), chi-square test and Pearson Correlation test was used to analyze association between variables, with the significant level of .05 (P<.05).
Results: Most pregnant women aged 20-34 years (83.8%) are medical personnel (31.7%). Their gestational age was in the third trimester (42.1%). Most of them had antenatal care with private hospitals/private clinics (58.3%). Pregnant women (16.7%) were detected complications during pregnancy, 14.2% of them had COVID-19 anxiety at a high level, 12.1% of them had a high level of stress, had knowledge scores about COVID-19 situation at a high level ( = 14.38, S.D. = 1.222), and had self-care behavior in preventing infection averagely at a high level ( = 1.69, S.D. = 0.46). The findings from the study showed that education level, income, stress, and level of knowledge about the situation of COVID-19 spread were associated with anxiety, p < 0.05 (r = 0.132, 0.139, 0.150 and 0.168 respectively) while complications during pregnancy and self-care behavior were associated with stress, p< 0.05 (r = 0.221 and 0.137 respectively). Pregnant women have good knowledge and self-care behavior in the spread of COVID-19. However, some pregnant women have stress and anxiety in their daily lives.
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