The Nurse's Role in Triage for The Elderly with Acute Heart Failure at Emergency Department



Acute Heart Failure, Nurse’s Role, Emergency Condition, Elderly


Acute heart failure is an illness caused by the rapid progression of the disease, which has signs and symptoms of multiple diseases occurring simultaneously. Especially in the elderly, acute heart failure has a nonspecific presentation. Therefore, the elderly may not receive immediate treatment. This result in the progression of diseases and frequent visits to emergency rooms, as well as affect the quality of life and the cost burden. Screening is key for emergency nurses. Screening nurses must have knowledge and understanding of acute heart failure in the elderly. In addition, at least 5 years of experience and comprehension of a working system of the emergency room are needed so that the elderly will receive prompt diagnosis and treatment, reducing suffering from the progression of disease and increasing the efficiency of using limited resources in the emergency room.



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How to Cite

Mulsrisuk, S., & Dharmakulsakti , P. . (2023). The Nurse’s Role in Triage for The Elderly with Acute Heart Failure at Emergency Department. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 24(46), 92–100. Retrieved from



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