Effects of the Learning Management using Online Lessons in Google Classroom on Academic Achievement and Satisfaction of 2nd Year Nursing Students in Fundamental of Nursing Practicum
Online lessons, Google Classroom, Academic achievement, SatisfactionAbstract
This research is a quasi - experimental research. The objectives of this study were to 1) compare the academic achievement of 2nd year nursing students using online lessons in Google Classroom with traditional method and 2) the satisfaction of second year nursing students using online lessons in Google Classroom in Fundamental of nursing practicum. The sample group were 60 second-year nursing students at Boromarajonani College of Nursing Suphanburi, divided into the experimental group and the control group of 30 each. The sample size was calculated using the G*power program and cluster random sampling was selected. The research Instruments were 1) online lessons in Google Classroom on Fundamental of nursing practicum for 2ndyear nursing students. 2) The achievement test consisted of 40 items pre- and post-semester knowledge test. The reliability of the whole test using Kuder Richardson's KR-20 formula was 0.86. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) assessment of nursing skills; and 3) the satisfaction questionnaire on learning with online lessons. The confidence value of the questionnaire using the alpha coefficient formula was 0.98. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. chi-square test statistics and t-test statistics. The results of this research indicated as follows:1) The mean post-test knowledge scores of the experimental group taught using online lessons in Google Classroom in Fundamental of nursing practicum higher than the average knowledge scores of the normally taught control group with statistical significance at the .01 level, with the mean score of the experimental group being 16.40 (SD=2.143) and the control group was 12.10 (SD=1.90), 2) The mean scores on nursing skills after teaching of the experimental group ( =84.40, SD=15.296) who were taught using online lessons were higher than the control group ( ==80.97, SD=24.286) who were taught normally but not statistically significantly different and, 3) The experimental group was satisfied with learning using online lessons at a good level ( ==4.18, SD=.572). Suggestions, online lessons in Google Classroom should be used for teaching Fundamental of nursing practicum in the following years. The students have better in theoretical academic achievements.
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