Effectiveness of Relaxation Massage Incorporated Aromatherapy with Butterfly Lilly Lotion on Stress Level, Blood Pressure Among Persons with High Blood Pressure and Stress


  • Susaree Prakhinkit -
  • Kanjana Njamjuntratip
  • Sirina Suntudhan
  • Thantip Jirakunjana
  • Audjara Titawattanakul
  • Phachana Dungchanthr


Relaxation massage, aromatherapy, butterfly lilly, stress, blood pressure


Objective: To determine the effectiveness of relaxation massage incorporated aromatherapy with butterfly lilly lotion on stress levels, blood pressure in people with high blood pressure and stress          

Method: The research was quasi-experimental research under the Three Group Pretest –Posttest Design model. It was conducted in 2 phases, the first phase was to study the development of relaxation massage postures and aromatherapy with butterfly lilly lotion and the second phase was to study the effectiveness of relaxation massage combined with aromatherapy with butterfly lilly lotion on stress levels and blood pressure among persons with high blood pressure and stress. The data was analyzed compare the mean scores before and after within the sample (Pair T Test). One-way ANOVA was used to compare between groups.

Results: The research findings were as follows : 1) The subjects who used butterfly lilly lotion only had significant decreased blood pressure and stress significantly (p<0.05)  2) The subjects who used  relaxation massage incorporated aromatherapy with butterfly lilly lotion had significant decreased blood pressure and stress significantly (p<0.05) 3) The subjects who used  relaxation massage incorporated aromatherapy with butterfly lilly lotion had decreased blood pressure and stress were more than who used butterfly lilly lotion only significantly (p<0.05)

Conclusion: The relaxation massage incorporated aromatherapy with butterfly lilly lotion could relief stress and decreased blood pressure were more than aromatherapy with butterfly lilly lotion only.


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How to Cite

Prakhinkit , S. ., Njamjuntratip , K. ., Suntudhan , S. ., Jirakunjana , T. ., Titawattanakul , A. ., & Dungchanthr , P. . (2023). Effectiveness of Relaxation Massage Incorporated Aromatherapy with Butterfly Lilly Lotion on Stress Level, Blood Pressure Among Persons with High Blood Pressure and Stress. Journal of Nursing, Siam University, 23(45), 10–23. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nursingsiamjournal/article/view/257792



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